Saturday 24 October 2015

Letter to Scarlett - Month Two

Stats at end of month:
4.722 kg & 56cm in length

24th October, 2015

Dear Scarlett,

You are already two months old. I cannot believe it. So much has happened this month with you and it is exciting to see you develop and grow.

You have begun to smile at us socially. It is such a beautiful smile you have. When you smile your eyes light up as well. It completely melts my heart, however it has been impossible to capture the smile in a photo. It is so hard to believe that one little smile completely melts me. You will also giggle when we tickle you or make funny faces at you.

An ongoing joke we have is whenever you have taken a massive poo in your nappy, when you are being changed we will say "Scarlett made a haha," maybe you are only smiling from relief of getting to poo out but honestly, when we are cleaning you up, that's the time you seem to smile and giggle the most.

During the day you do not like to sleep much. Sometimes I get can you to sleep a three hour stretch during the morning but this does not happen most days. You are a fantastic sleeper at night. You will usually sleep a 5-7 hour block from 7pm. On the night of my birthday, you slept all night. You had a big day and was very tired so I know this was a once off but you managed to sleep from 9.30pm to 5am which was unbelievable.

On my birthday, Daddy used paint to make a canvas for me with your hand & foot prints. Whilst it was hard to get you to keep still, it is your first artwork and something I will always treasure.

The toughest moment we had this month was when you got your six week vaccinations. You were already having a tough morning and the doctor took 30 minutes to see us after our appointment time. By the time we actually got to your vaccinations you were already irritated. Two nurses gave you the injections at the same time. You turned bright red and forgot to breath for about 10 seconds and then you screamed. It was horrible knowing you had to go through that pain. Afterwards we cuddled and I fed you before we went home but I was crying myself seeing you go through that. Your next injections are in December and I am making sure Daddy will go this time as I don't want to be alone to go through that again.

You also managed your first long drive in the car, about 50 minutes each way to Warrandyte for Danielle's bridal shower. You did so well in the car and at the Bridal shower. I didn't even hear a peep out of you when we were driving home.

You love playing on the activity mat, being held and being in your carrier. You enjoy walks in your pram and mostly seem to do well when we go to the shops. You also enjoy cuddles in bed in the morning and I love having a lazy hour with you just lying there and cuddling you before we start our day.

You are not a big fan of tummy time and the bath can still be hit or miss sometimes but we are slowly managing that.

I look forward to seeing what month three brings!

Love you to the moon and back!

Your Mummy & Daddy.


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