Wednesday 30 September 2015

October Thermomix Challenge

About a year ago I purchased a Thermomix TM31 second hand. It was still quite expensive second hand ($1,200) but I was excited with all the features of it. Whilst I do not follow a strictly 'healthy' diet (who am I kidding, I live for fried chicken), I did like the idea of being more in control of what was going into my food.

Prior to purchasing the Thermomix, I was wanting an appliance to make smoothies and when I realised the Thermomix can do so much more that that, I decided the extra investment was worth it.

A year on, and we use the Thermomix about 3-4 times a week in our household. I have read blogs and seen on Instagram people who use it multiple times per day. Whilst I am not sure if I will get up to this level, I am interested to try new recipes and see if there are things I can make in my Thermomix that I am still buying at the supermarket.

Therfore, for the month of October I am going to keep a list of when I use my Thermomix during the month and what I make in it. I am going to challenge myself to try 2 new things in my Thermomix each week. I know this will be a challenge in itself as I have a almost 6 week old but as the Thermomix does reduce time with cooking this might be a good thing.

At the end of the month I will post how I have went.

A couple of things I have made in my Thermomix

Saturday 26 September 2015

Letter to Scarlett Myra Farrugia - Month One

Scarlett Myra Farrugia
Born - 24th August, 2015 at 1.35pm
3.19 kg's and 44cm in length
First Daughter to Daniel and Candice Farrugia
Stats at end of month (24th September)
3.792kg & 52.5cm in length
24th September, 2015

Dear Scarlett,
Although I am a couple of days late in writing this, I am so excited that you are already a month old. This month has went so quickly and even though Daddy & I are lacking a lot of sleep, it has been an incredibly exciting time for us and we both struggle to remember what life was like before you were born.
In your first couple of weeks you were a very content baby. Usually you would feed, have a nappy change and sleep for 2-3 hours. You were happy to sleep in anyone's arms which made you very popular with visitors. It was also a lovely time for our little family as Daddy had three weeks off work which gave you lots of time to get to know each other.
You received so many gifts from family and friends, both from Australia and overseas. You are very much loved. You have so many clothes that I won't need to buy anything for a year and there is a chance you might not get around to wearing some of them.
In weeks 3 & 4, you have decided you are not a big sleeper during the day often only having 1 or 2 catnaps which may only last an hour or less. Sometimes you will have a sleep in the afternoon but this is not everyday. You will usually fall asleep easily in someone's arms or in the car (karozza in Maltese) but as soon as you are moved to your bassinet, you will wake up almost immediately. However, you do sleep well at night, usually having a 4-5 hour sleep followed by 2-3 hours after your feed and nappy change. You have even managed a six hour sleep which is bliss for your Dad & I as we managed to catch up on sleep ourselves. I am looking forward to when you will sleep through the night.
During the day, you are so alert and we keep you entertained by talking to you, playing on your activity mat (including tummy time) and playing music in your bouncer. By far, your favourite thing is being carried in your Ergobaby baby carrier. You always manage to fall asleep in it as you love being snuggled to my chest. However, as per normal as soon as we take you out you are awake. I use the baby carrier around the house to do my housework and even have you in it when I need to pump as it keeps you so content.
Ally has slowly gotten use to having you in the house and no longer being the only 'child'. She hates hearing you cry and will often run away when you are screaming whilst having a nappy change or waiting for your milk. She is very curious about you and often has a sniff of you. She has shown no signs of aggression towards you and I am confident that you will grow up to be close buddies. My favourite moment so far is when you were doing your tummy time and Ally came as close to you as she would dare, (which is not actually that close at all), and also laid down on her tummy.
You have already been on a number of outings and have managed them quite well. You have visited both Mummy & Daddy's work, been to the shops and on a few walks with Ally as well. We also took you to Werribee to have your newborn photos done. We are so excited to see them as we know you will look adorable in them and will be printing a few on them on canvas to put around the house.
One of the funniest things you do, (although it is completely disgusting at the time), is you always seem to have a habit of deciding to do your business while we are changing your nappy. The number of wee and poo we have had to 'catch' is quite high and more often then not, your Dad and I will miss them which results in the washing machine being turned on, which is usually already running anyway. The amount of washing in the house has increased significantly and I am slightly terrified to see our water and electricity bills!
The biggest challenge for you and me during your first month is our breastfeeding relationship. I was determined before you were born that you would be 100% breastfed. I strongly believed that 'breast was best.' The first few days of breastfeeding seemed to go ok between us. However, tiredness took it's toll and being the only one that had the ability to feed you was tricky.
One day, when you were just over a week old, you spent 10 hours needing to be fed every hour. I don't know if you were not getting enough milk or if you were having a growth spurt. That feeding session took its toll on me. My nipples were red, raw and cut up. I was in so much pain every time you tried to attach and after feeding you I would be in tears from the pain. You had trouble attaching because you were so anxious to be fed and would be screaming and I would not be patient enough to work with you to attach properly. It came to a point that I was dreading every time you would wake up as I knew I would have to feed you. When I realised that I might need to introduce formula to you, I was in tears. After I came home from buying the formula, I sat in my car in the garage for 10 minutes in tears that I did not have the ability to feed you myself. I was emotionally drained and terrified that I might end up suffering post natal depression.
At that point I decided to start expressing, only giving you the formula twice until I had managed to express breast milk for you. This system has worked so much better for us. Now Daddy, your Nanna and Aunty Victoria have helped out with your feeds and at night this has allowed me to sometimes get a decent stretch of sleep as Daddy can look after you on his own. I can also go out for a couple of hours to the shops and not have to rush back as I know you have milk ready for you. I realised that I am still able to give you breast milk so you are still getting all that goodness. I have even managed to freeze about 2 litres of breast milk which will become valuable later on when you go through your growth spurts and I am not able to keep up through pumping. After a few weeks I have finally started to put you back on the breast occasionally. I cannot however see myself going back 100% of the time so I will continue to express regularly for you but I will try to breast feed you 2-3 times a day in conjunction with bottle feeding so we can continue with that relationship.
We love forward to continue to seeing you grow and develop into the wonderful young girl that we know you will become.
Love from you Mummy & Daddy.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Welcome Back!

It has been almost two years since I have written on this blog. The whole reason for this blog was to document my running, which I originally took up to lose weight for my wedding. I ended up loving running.

Over the two years since I have written on this blog (which was under the name 'Later I Shall have Chocolate'), a lot has happened. Daniel & I got married, had a wonderful 4 week honeymoon in America, vowing to return for our 10 year anniversary (if not earlier). We scored a 2 week holiday in Europe thanks to Daniel's work and we finished building our dream home, however it took us another 8 months to sell the house we had been previously living in.

Although there were some amazing things that happened, 2014 did have some sadness. My beloved Nannu passed away whilst we were in Europe. We had the opportunity to say goodbye to him before we left but I always have a small regret that I was on the other side of the world when he left this world. On the day of my Nannu's funeral, Daniel and I found out we were pregnant. We were so excited and told family and some friends quite quickly. It was the uplifting news we needed after the passing of my Nannu.

However, 4 weeks later, at our 8 week viability scan, we found out the pregnancy was not viable due to a blighted ovum. The news was devastating for both Daniel and myself. I felt like a failure that I could not give my husband and my family the child and grandchild that they all wanted. My body never recognised that I had a miscarriage so at 10 weeks, after once again confirming the pregnancy was not viable, I had a minor operation done to remove the pregnancy as my body was not releasing it on its own.

The one thing I learnt from this was that is was not my fault. I started to talk to people around me. In the space of about 3 months I had spoken to 3 other people at work who had all had miscarriages during 2014. Lots of others told me it had happened to them and I was reassured to know that they had went on to build their family.

In October, I had taken a new job, so Daniel & I decided to wait a couple of months to try again. We were also moving into our house in December so we thought the right time would be after we had settled into the house. However, it seems God had other plans.

In early December (about a week before moving into the new house), I had the most vivid dream. I saw my husband holding a baby girl in his arms. I usually struggle to remember the dreams I have but this one stood out to me. That day I brought a pregnancy test but decided to wait to use it. In my mind, I didn't think we would be pregnant yet.

After a couple of days, and realising that I was late, I decided to take the pregnancy test without telling my husband. It was positive. I was so excited but at the same time, scared given what had happened last time. I walked downstairs and showed my husband the test. He was so excited. We agreed not to tell everyone straight away. I didn't end up getting the pregnancy confirmed until 2 weeks later as we were so busy moving into the house and I had a 4 day work trip to Renmark.

This time the pregnancy felt different from the last. I actually had some morning sickness, started to crave certain foods and I actually 'felt' pregnant. I was determined to continue with my running (something which I had done, even after having the miscarriage, it was a form of therapy for me). However I actually felt sick this pregnancy so my running was reduce significantly.

At Christmas we started telling family (I was about 7 weeks), but we chose to wait until 13 weeks to tell friends, although some friends were suspicious given my late of alcohol during summer events. Once we got past the 13 week mark we felt comfortable enough to tell friends and officially announce our pregnancy. We were due to welcome our first child in August.

At 19 weeks we found out we were having a baby girl, something I was adamant about given the vivid dream I had before finding out we were pregnant. This was very exciting for both families as this was going to be the first granddaughter and on my side of the family, no girl has been born since my sister, Victoria, in 1996.

I was very lucky that my pregnancy was reasonably straight forward. Apart from the WORSE HEATRBURN from 26 weeks onwards which cause me to vomit several times a week, I did not have any other complications. The last time I ran was at 18 weeks for the 5.5km Run for the Kids. After that time I stopped running because I felt a lot of pressure on my hips and my bladder.

I will be completing a separate blog post about Scarlett's birth story but going forward, for me this blog is to continue to document my running after becoming a Mummy to Scarlett, hence the new name for the blog 'Running after Scarlett.'

For me, I will use the rest of 2015 to build up my fitness once again. I aim to participate in a few Parkruns to get my running speed back up, but aside from that I will not have any specific goals. Once I receive the all clear at my 6 week post partum appointment, I will use that weight as my starting weight to work towards getting back into shape.

My goals for 2016 are as follows:

1) Fun Run for Kids - 15km. I would like to aim for a sub 1:20 time. The best time I have on this course is 1:31:05.

2) Half Marathon - I am desperate to run a sub 2 hour half marathon. I think this is something I may not achieve in 2016 but I want to have the goal on my list as I can chip away at the time during the year. My current PB for a half marathon is 2:06:52

3) Marathon - In my first (and currently only) marathon I was aiming for 4:30. I ended up finishing on 4:39:38. I was still thrilled with this time considering the state of my fitness a year earlier but I am still wanting to go sub 4:30. I would like to complete another marathon by my 30th birthday which is 18th October, 2016 (I am not fussed if I do not achieve this time by my 30th birthday). There are a few options for a full marathon next year which include Great Ocean Road (May), Gold Coast (July), Adelaide (August), Blackmores - Sydney (September) & Melbourne (October - usually one week before my birthday). Most likely I will make my attempt in Melbourne as I am not sure how easy it will be to travel with a new baby but I am open to seeing how my training goes if I can attempt it earlier.

4) Parkrun PB - I want to complete a sub 25 minute 5km run. My current PB is 25:42 which was on the Point Cook course (very flat).

5) As I am not longer a member of a gym, I will commit myself to completing 1-2 Kayla Itsines workouts a week to supplement my running(number of sessions depends on time and how much running I am doing). I have my own weights at home now so having a baby should not be an excuse as it is a 28 minute workout so I can complete whilst bubs is sleeping on early in the morning whilst hubby stays with bubs.

6) I will also go to a casual class at the gym once a month. I am interested in Body Pump, Body Attack and Spin. I do not want to commit to a membership but I enjoy classes so still want this as part of my routine.

There seems to be a lot in there, but these are 2016 goals so I have time to work towards theses. Once bubs is a bit older I will be able to take her out for my shorter runs. I also have a great support system in place with a very helpful hubby and my Mum will also be able to stay with bubs so I can go on runs.

It feels great to be able to but this down in writing and actually hold myself accountable to my fitness/running goals for 2016. I also hope to be able to at least semi-regularly update this blog so that I can document working towards these goals as well as documenting Scarlett's milestones so that one day she can have a look back at this.

Day before going into labour at 40 weeks and 4 days.